This blog is intended to satisfy the Alternative Assessment Project for Professor Duhart's Con Law I Class

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Framework for Analyzing Fundamental Rights

The first question asked is if there is a fundamental right? The second question is whether the right is being infringed? Third, is whether the govovernment's action are justified by a sufficient purpose? And the last question is whther the means adopted are sufficiently related to the ends being sought?

Is there a fundamental right? Originalists look for explicit words in the constitution or rights clearly intended by the framers. Noj-originalists don't adopt this strict view. Moderate originalists think the Court should implement the Framer's general intent, but not their specific intent. The Court has also looked at tradition and history and has said that fundamnetal rights include those liberites that are "deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition. And some argue that the Court's preeminent role is to perfecting the process of government.

Is the constitutional right infringed? The Court askes the question whether there is a direct and substantial interference with the excercise of that right.

The government has the burden of showing that a truky vital interest is servef by infrinfing the right.

The government must also show that the law is necessary to achieve its objectiveThere is also a requiremnt that the government use the least restrictive means.

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